Mindfulness has been a popular buzzword around personal development circles lately. There’s been books written on the topic. Classes have been developed around it. Everyone seems to have a desire to be more “mindful,” but what exactly does that mean?
At its simplest, being mindful is mastering the art of living in the present. Instead of ruminating on the past or worrying about the future, one’s focus in on the here and now.
Living in the present brings about better focus and concentration on what’s in front of you. And that focus leads to another powerful benefit – humility. I’m going to quote what Milwaukee Bucks forward Giannis Antetokounmpo said about it during last year’s playoffs:
I kind of try to focus on the moment, in the present. That’s humility. That’s being humble. That’s not setting no expectation. That’s going out there, enjoying the game, competing at a high level.
And that, in a nutshell, is being mindful. It’s focusing on the moment, the present. It’s not setting expectations or putting pressure on yourself. It’s enjoying each and every moment and realizing that life is not about the destination. It’s about the journey. That’s our reward.
The two minute clip Giannis’ quote came from is embedded below. It’s worth watching. And if someone who works on a stage as public as his can master the art of mindfulness, you can, too.
Thanks Rohan for providing the inspiration for yet another post.