Blogging plans for 2025

Needless to say, 2024 has gotten off to a slow start for the blog. There’s multiple reasons (aka excuses) this has happened, but I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to update and reorganize the website to get me focused on more regular posting.

Those were the words I used what I made the plans for the blog in 2024 – August of 2024 to be exact. If you don’t be believe me, you don’t have to scroll down the front page of the blog that far to read the entire article. It more or less sums up what happened in 2024 because that slow start extended through the end of the year.

Normally, I do a review of my blogging from the previous year and post plans for the coming year. I’m going to keep it simple this year.

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Book review: The Power of Marketing Channels

Book cover for The Power of Marketing Channels by Priyesh Dhorajiwala

While I don’t read as many business books as I used to, I’m always on the lookout for books that can help me grow my knowledge to run a successful business. As a solo-preneur, it’s critical to always be learning, especially given how fast the business environment is changing these days. So when Priyesh Dhorajiwala reached out to me to review his book, The Power of Marketing Channels: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Your Results, I accepted the offer.

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Book review: The Scenic Route

Book cover for The Scenic Route by Christina Baker Kline

My typical reading routine involves reading a short story between titles on my reading list. Sometimes the story will come from a collection, such as Stories of Your Life and Others (Ted Chiang) or Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick. Other times, interesting stand-alone titles appear.

Such was the case with The Scenic Route by Christina Baker Kline. An email from Amazon alerted me that it was available for free as an Amazon Original. Since I had really enjoyed Kline’s Orphan Train, it was an easy decision to make this one of my short story readings.

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My 2025 Reading List

It’s time for the 12th edition of my annual reading list. I like to put together the list as way to document my reading goals for the year and to collect any suggestions or recommendations you might have based on the types of books I read.

Similar to recent years, I’m maintaining two lists. The first list is my fun reads, which are generally fictional works from the science fiction genre. I read these books for entertainment, although there are distinct reasons why the list leans towards science fiction that you can read about here. My morning reads is the list that I use for learning. The themes are primarily personal development, health and wellness, and business. The guidelines I use to comprise each of these lists are included at the end of this post.

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Book review: Cryptonomicon

Book cover for Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson was on my radar for a long time. I originally added to my 2017 reading list. I carried it through to my 2020 reading list, where it finally percolated to the top. When I opened the book on my Kindle, I was taken aback by the length – over 900 pages! Having already slogged through Peter Hamilton’s Pandora’s Star earlier that year, I couldn’t bring myself to read another tome of this length. So it languished on my reading list until the second half of 2023, when I finally decided to take the plunge. I knew I would have to eventually given how highly recommended it came from some close friends.

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Books to read in 2025

If you’re looking for a few recommendations for your 2025 reading list, here are a few of my favorites from the past year for your consideration. There are three categories to choose from – general recommendations that cover my favorite fictional reads, technology and personal development, and my fun reads that can use to fill in any remaining holes in your list.

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Book review: The Go-Giver Influencer

Book cover for The Go-Giver Influencer by Bob Burg and John David Mann

I’m a fan of the Go-Giver books. Having already read two books in the series that I liked a lot, The Go-Giver and The Go-Giver Leader, it was an easy decision to put The Go-Giver Influencer on my reading list. Authors Bob Burg and John David Mann have a way of weaving important business and personal development concepts into stories that makes those concepts easy to digest and remember. It also makes it easier to see how the concepts can be applied to real-life situations.

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Book review: Privacy Is Power

Book cover for Privacy Is Power: Why And How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data by Carissa Veliz

Privacy is a topic I take seriously, especially as it relates to the data we generate and share online. I’m sure that I come across as paranoid at times, if not all the time, with my refusal to engage in social media and my concerns over browser usage and the sites I frequent while online. Yes, maybe I can take it to the extreme, but the more I read about how companies, governments, and the powers that be use our data, I worry that I may not be taking it seriously enough.

It’s articles like this one that showed up in my feed from Smashing Magazine, Pushing Back Against Privacy Infringement on the Web, that raises online privacy warning flags for me. Our personal data is being used, sometimes for our benefit, sometimes against us, and always for the benefit and profit of the companies that collect, analyze and trade it.

The article is a short read and provides a good overview on the importance of privacy on the internet. But it was the mentions in the further reading that intrigued me. I wanted to go deeper into why privacy is important, which led me to reading Privacy Is Power: Why And How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data by Carissa Veliz.

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