When I originally set up this blog up over 10 years ago, I syndicated the feed through Feedburner. It seemed like a safe thing to do, and at the time, all of the top blogs were using the service. However, it’s a Google product, and given Google’s penchant for sun-setting (i.e. killing) services, there was always an inherent risk to relying on it.
For years now, I’ve been hearing about the imminent demise of Feedburner, but I’ve basically ignored the chatter. I continued to have the RSS icon at the top right of the header point to the syndicated feedburner URL. So even though the service is still active and working, albeit with reduced features, I’ve decided it’s time to make a change.
From here on out, the feed is being self hosted at https://greggborodaty.com/feed. If you are interested in getting the latest articles from the blog as they are published, I would recommend adding the self hosted feed URL to your favorite RSS reader. The Feedburner syndication will remain active for as long as Google supports it, which is a complete unknown at this tine.
If you don’t have a favorite RSS reader, it may be worth looking into one. I find it a great way to stay on top of my favorite sites without having to constantly check them for new articles. When the author publishes a new post, I automatically see it in my reader.
If you haven’t used an RSS reader and are interested in trying one out, here are a few suggestions to get you going:
- Feedly – this is the reader I use. It’s fast, reliable, and has a clean, easy to use interface (https://feedly.com/)
- Innoreader – if you’re looking for something that has more visual appeal, then you may like this reader better (https://www.inoreader.com/)
- Feedbin – an alternative to Feedly with a similar interface (https://feedbin.com/)
- If none of these readers meet your needs, you can also try Newsblur (https://newsblur.com/) or Feeder (https://feeder.co/).
All of the readers offer a free version, or at minimum a free trial, so you can test drive the services before making a commitment. Just one word of caution speaking from my experience, it can become an addiction if you’re not careful (read here and here).
That said, happy feed-reading!