I was on the fence this year. Really, I was.
This was the year, I swear.
And then, it happened again. The beard made it’s annual appearance.

I started growing the beard out at the beginning of November. Peak beard, pictured in the upper left corner, occurred in mid-December. It was about 6 weeks of growth with only a minimal amount of trimming.
For a fun comparison this year, I took pictures as I cut the beard back over the course of a week. Each picture is another number down on the shears until the clean look of no beard was reached as pictured in the lower right.
And that puts a wrap on the beard for 2021. It’s going to go away until at least next year. And who knows, maybe next year I’ll finally decide to put it away for good, although I wouldn’t recommend putting any money on it!
For a little nostalgia, here are links to beards of years past: